MongoDB tip:
This is just a quick example of how we can use to change the shape of the array. //push all the _id we found into an array, but the problem we have right now is how it's stored as array of documents while we are only interested in the value. var updateArray = db.getSiblingDB("equipment").needProcessedEquip.find({}, {_id: 1}).toArray(); updateArray; [ { "_id" : "5680e9b8-6ffe-41bb-a035-e255ede87b8e" }, { "_id" : "08b08206-f2a7-49b8-bf7a-b72a6494e556" }, { "_id" : "17e49c0d-0892-4f4b-a0c5-effaaf07a058" }, { "_id" : "1b1756ce-63fe-4b9e-baf3-e2f418feb3d7" }, { "_id" : "e31a02f6-e217-4172-bcf5-684ab40321de" }, { "_id" : "01f6fcab-4123-44aa-a...