
Showing posts from August, 2019

MongoDB Tip: 4.0.x encryption at rest

I just want to quickly document what to look for in the log when we have successfully enable encryption at rest for mongodb database create keyfile openssl rand -base64 32 > monogdb-ear-keyfile copy the ear-keyfile into /etc chmod 600 /etc/mongodb-ear-keyfile mongod --port 17017 --dbpath /data/earTest/ --logpath /data/earTest/ear.log --enableEncryption --encryptionKeyFile /data/earTest/mongodb-ear-keyfile --fork check the log after mongod is started If you see this line, then your mongod has successfully launched in encryption at rest mode 2019-08-05T09:48:12.555-0400 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] Encryption key manager initialized with key file: /etc/monogdb-ear-key

Oracle Goldengate: REPERROR (1403, IGNORE) , Add trandata schema.*

I ran into some issue with goldengate where it's not taking any of the update statement, they are all sent directly to ignore when we ran view param we see this statement, basically this is handling all the issue with update and send update statement to ignore count when the process thinks it cannot handle the update statement. REPERROR (1403, IGNORE) I then commented that line and restarted the replicat process. Upon starting the process, I encountered the following 2019-08-01 12:33:45  WARNING OGG-01004  Aborted grouped transaction on AVL_RPT_FOD.ALERT_MTS_SALT, Database error 1403 (OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL <UPDATE "AVL_RPT_FOD"."ALERT_MTS_SALT" x SET x."STATUS_ID" = :a9,x."FACILITY_TYPE_ID" = :a10,x."START_DATE" = :a11,x."END_DATE" = :a12,x."WEB_MERCATOR_X" = :a13,x."WEB_MERCATOR_Y" = :a14,x."FACILITY_NAME" = :a15 WHERE x."ID" = :b0>). 2019-08-01 12...