MongoDB Tip: 4.0.x encryption at rest

I just want to quickly document what to look for in the log when we have successfully enable encryption at rest for mongodb database

create keyfile

openssl rand -base64 32 > monogdb-ear-keyfile

copy the ear-keyfile into /etc

chmod 600 /etc/mongodb-ear-keyfile

mongod --port 17017 --dbpath /data/earTest/ --logpath /data/earTest/ear.log --enableEncryption --encryptionKeyFile /data/earTest/mongodb-ear-keyfile --fork

check the log after mongod is started

If you see this line, then your mongod has successfully launched in encryption at rest mode

2019-08-05T09:48:12.555-0400 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] Encryption key manager initialized with key file: /etc/monogdb-ear-key


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