MongoDB bi connector v2.0.1, schemaDirectory option
This post is to show that mongosqld schemaDirectory option requires the process to restart in order for the new drdl file to be picked up by the process.
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 smartDrdl]# mongosqld --version
mongosqld version v2.0.1
git version: 932107fa830951b6601b28cab2df234806cb3cd2
I have started the mongosqld as such
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 smartDrdl]# ps -ef | grep mongosqld
root 18506 14799 0 13:37 pts/1 00:00:01 mongosqld --addr= --schemaDirectory=/apps/drdl --mongo-uri mongodb://xxx/?replicaSet=yyy --logPath /apps/biLog/mongoBI.log --sslPEMKeyFile=/apps/certs/mongodb.pem --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --auth --verbose=5
Let's check what files are in the drdl directory:
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 drdl]# ls -altr
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11793 Jul 19 13:35 equipStatus.drdl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18764 Jul 19 13:36 personnel_status.drdl
drwxr-xr-x 11 default default 4096 Jul 19 13:44 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 57 Jul 19 13:44 .
Now I am connecting to mongosqld via mysql workbench
We can see the two databases connected correspond to the two files in the directory
Let's move a drdl into the directory
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 drdl]# cp ../taskStatus.drdl .
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 drdl]# ls
equipStatus.drdl personnel_status.drdl taskStatus.drdl
mongosqld is still running
[root@msdlva-dsnavl04 drdl]# ps -ef | grep mongosqld
root 18506 14799 0 13:37 pts/1 00:00:01 mongosqld --addr= --schemaDirectory=/apps/drdl --mongo-uri mongodb://xxx/?replicaSet=yyy --logPath /apps/biLog/mongoBI.log --sslPEMKeyFile=/apps/certs/mongodb.pem --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --auth --verbose=5
Once we refresh the connection via mysql client, we still see only two databases
Now we refresh the process itself by restarting it.
We now see three databases which is consistent with the files we stored in the directory.
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